Šarišské múzeum - Bardejov


The Šariš Museum in Bardejov is situated in a region where two world cultures, western - western Roman and eastern - Byzantine met and overlapped. Monuments of more cultures from various periods that represent the material and spiritual worths od the Slovak, Hungarians, Germans and also Polish, Ukrainian, Ruthenian cultures, are therefore present in the exhibition.

The Šariš museum has gathered rich collections during its more than a century old existence. The number of exhibits presents technical and handicraft skills of the then masters and also dokuments development of culture and arts in religious and secular spheres.



The exhibition is concentrated in eight rooms of the Town Hall. It presents the history of Bardejov from the first written mention until the end of the 18th century, its economic, social and cultural life and it documents a high level of crafts and guilds in Bardejov. Part of the exhibition is dedicated to architectular development of the Town Hall. A model of medieval Bardejov also deserves an attention.
Documents to the administration of the town, sculptures and panel painting, epitaphs and  an important part of the exposition includes painted coffered ceiling in the meeting room. Out of the collection objects, remarkable is the collection of Gothic sculptures, guild items, original seal from 1453, rare pokale of Venetian glass and the Little Calvary (1520) which is the work of Master Pavol of Levoča.


Top museum exhibitions:

  • Group of sculptures called Small Calvary, made by the Master Paul from Levoča (a.k.a. Leuschau, Leutsovia) in 1520
  • St Nicholas's Altar from 1524
  • Janos Szilasi's Cup - made by a major Levoča goldsmith in 2nd half of 18th century
  • Set of Renaissance burghers' epitaphs from the 17th century
  • Queen Elizabeth's ring with brilliants



The most valuable is a set of icons from the 16th to 19th century, from the eastern Slovakia region thet belong to the most important cultural heritage of the central European region.
Artistic and historical exhibition of panel paintings. The most beautiful and best preserved icons, as well as items used in religious rites of the Eastern liturgy are exhibited here.


Top museum exhibitions:

  • Christ Pantocrator, God´s Mother, St. John the Baptist, 1540-1560, tempera, wood - central picture Deesis
  • St. George´s fight with the dragon, 1630 - 1650, tempera, wood
  • Virgin Hodegetria, 1780 - 1800, tempera, wood
  • St. Nicolas, 1550 - 1580, tempera, wood




The exhibiton documents diversity of flora and fauna of the region. More than two thousand exhibits in diorama, a varied collection of all water birds, prepared wolves, lynx, badgers, foxes, number of insects, rare plants and there are also fossils of ammonites and the remains of a mammoth. The exhibition includes a permanent exhibition of exotic fauna of all continents.


Top museum exhibitions:

  • Endangered kind of South American condor
  • One of the most precious Slovak snails, Pagodulina pagodula
  • Baby shark from the Caribbean
  • Reticulated python
  • Collection of prepared American hummingbirds
  • Non-exhibited items from the collection of the Natural Scientific Section include:
    - One of the biggest collections of great shrikes in the world
    - Prepared azure tit




Ethnographic exhibition of richly decorated costumes and clothing, folk footwear, craftsmen products. Exhibition recalls the way of life of the village people in the past. As far as the space, a humble, but regarding the content an interesting permanent exhibition resembling the history of the Bardejovské Kúpele and spas in general.


Top museum exhibitions:

  • The oldest preserved folk dress from 1850
  • The oldest beehive in Slovakia from 1691
  • Sacral folk art exhibits
  • In Pharmacy Display: old pharmacy containers from 17th - 19th centuries
  • In Bardejovské Kúpele History Display: glass from which the Russian Tsar Alexander drunk healing water when he was there on a visit in 1821
  • Historical pictures of Bardejovské kúpele

Rhódyho 4, 085 01  Bardejov
tel.: +421 (0) 54 / 472 2630
e-mail: sarmus@nextra.sk


Opening hours:

Summer tourist season: V - IX: Tue - Sun: 8:30 - 12:00/12:30 - 16-30
Off the season: X - IV: Tue - Sun: 8:30 - 12:00/12:30 - 16:00


Admission fee:

Basic fee

2,00 €    

Reduced fee (pensioners, students)

1,50 €    


1,00 €    

Amateur photo and video

2,00 €    

Wedding photo

5,00 €    


10,00 €    

Information system:

Standard lecturing services in Slovak (30 minutes).




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