

In the center of the city there are three permanent exhibitions of the Šariš Museum (Icons, Natural History and Historical Exhibition) and four exhibition halls of cultural institutions, which you will definitely not miss. The open-air museum of folk architecture is also worth a visit, which prides itself on being the first to be established in Slovakia. It is located in Bardejovské Kúpele. (Bardejov Spa)

Every year, the modern Bardejov fair is organized in the city. The Bardkontakt contracting and sales exhibition is part of the fair program, and a specialist seminar on monuments is organized as part of it. The organizers of the Roland Games are trying to present the old glory of medieval Bardejov to their contemporaries. A very popular event is jumping horses shoq with a rich accompanying cultural and entertainment program for children and adults. Concerts, festivals, exhibitions, performances of popular bands from Slovakia and abroad, and many other events of various genres are the content of cultural life in the city of Bardejov.

The city of Bardejov ensures the organization of cultural events in the city through the culture department, which actively cooperates with other cultural institutions in the city - Hornošariššské osvetové stredisko Bardejov, Šarišské museum Bardejov, Bardejov Spa a.s., Cultural and tourist center - Polish-Slovak house in Bardejov, ZUŠ (Základná umelecká škola - Primary art school) Bardejov.

The department of culture of the Ministry of Culture of Bardejov is located at Radničné námestie no. 21. The department ensures the organization and coordination of cultural events in the city. The most important cultural events organized by the City of Bardejov through the Department of Culture are: Knight Roland Days, Slovak Tango, a series of summer concerts and events called Bardejov Music Summer and many others.


Contact: Mesto Bardejov
  Mestský úrad - Oddelenie kultúry
  Radničné námestie č.21
  085 78 Bardejov
  telephone number.: +421 (0)54 3013, fax.474 6979


Traditional cultural events:


Bardejov fair

Dozens of interesting performances on the Town Hall Square during all 4 days from 12 o'clock until late in the evening and at night. Performed by domestic and foreign ensembles, well-known and popular bands, famous entertainers. The program is aimed at all age categories in a wide variety of genres. The program also includes the rock festival BARDROCK, which is popular with the younger age group.

date: late August


Knight Roland's games

/ HRR /: They have more than 20 years of tradition. However, they only got the title DAY OF THE CITY when Bardejov commemorates the anniversary of the handing over of the certificate of entry into the World Cultural Heritage List. / June 2001 / HRR is a multicultural fiction or retrospection bringing the life and entertainment of Bardejov closer to the Middle Ages, enjoying great interest from domestic and foreign visitors. .

date: June


Pheasant Cinematograph

Bažant cinematograf - Popular film performance under nude sky.

date: July - August


Organ days of Josef Grešák

International Organ Festival of Josef Grešak

Every year, the JOZEF GREŠÁK organ festival is an integral part of the program structure of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the event, which is artistically profiled mainly dramaturgically, but also socially proves its viability. The efforts of the organizers are aimed at preserving the tradition in honor of the native of Bardejov, a music composer with a timeless dimension and at the same time an exceptionally modest person JOZEF GREŠÁK. The organizers manage to attract high school youth to this festival as well, which results in a generational balance in a certain sense. This minority genre is also part of the mandatory equipment of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Culture within its genre variety or diversity.

date: July - Septemeber


International music festival PONTES - MOSTY MEDZI MESTAMI alebo MOSTY POROZUMENIA

A festival that aims to unite peoples, countries, states... through captivating music. He found a place in 11 European countries. The most important personalities usually take over the patronage of the Festival. Last year they were the first ladies of the Czech and Slovak Republics. From the very beginning, excellent soloists of the world-renowned orchestra Virtuosi di Praga have performed in it.

date: September



Celebrations of the arrival of Nicholas and the New Year have become a tradition in Bardejov. Every year, thousands of packages, a high-quality program, and famous fireworks attract thousands of crowds to the Town Hall Square, creating a community of happy, entertaining and rejoicing people.

date: December


Pre-Christmas markets

Pre-Christmas sale of traditional Christmas snacks, mulled wine on the Town Hall Square in Bardejov, accompanying events: Carols from under the gate and decorating trees on the Town Hall Square.

date: December


Silvester (New year celebration)

SILVESTER - Silvester firework, Silvester party and more.

date: December

