
Meet and enjoy AQUAVELO – unique international bike trial in Slovakia-Polish border regions

OOOCR Šariš Bardej as a partner of project prepared a new four-lane cyclomap AQUAVELO. It´s about 230 km section between spa Bardejovské kúpele, Krynica, Muszyna, Szawnica, with points of interest, monuments, fauna, flora. In partnership with State forests, which are finishing recovery Lake Bardejovské kúpele, they are also planning recovery of chill and recreational zone near the lake (wooden elements, resting areas, arbors, maps, rubbish bins, wooden bridge).

Part of it should be also wooden park for children near to lake, possibly mini rope park near the lake. They prepare also recovering turistic markings and routes, wooden tourist arbors, exterier touristic maps, financially support recovery of bike paths, touristic walkway and coultural events.


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