Cyclists in Bardejov have a new cycle path at their disposal, which runs from the Mokrolužský Bridge to the turnoff to the Mníchovský stream.
The asphalt concrete cycle path, 1.17 kilometers long and three meters wide, was built by Eurovia SK, a.s. The total cost was 605,000 euros and the construction was completed in six months. This was announced by the director of the Regional Tourism Organization (OOCR) Šariš - Bardejov, Radomír Jančošek.
According to him, a new gazebo will be added at the end of the cycle path in August. The cycle path includes public lighting, a footbridge over the stream, drainage into the sewer, traffic signs and other modifications. "Even without the new cycle path, the length of the five interconnected cycle paths built and maintained around Bardejov is more than eight kilometers. It consists of three healing singletracks - Lekársky, Napoleon and Čerešenka, the Oxygen Path Mihaľov - Bardejov and the Oxygen Track in Bardejov Spa. The length of marked tourist trails around the spa reaches 35 kilometers," said Jančošek. The new cycle path is part of a large flagship project of the international cycle path Aquavelo. This is an international cycle path in the Slovak - Polish border area, which connects the spa towns of Bardejov Spa, Krynica, Muszyna, Szczawnica with points of interest, monuments, fauna and flora for 230 km. "For the second half of this year, the Šariš - Bardejov Regional Office is preparing a new four-language cycle map," added Jančošek. He further stated that they recently co-financed the publication of a hand-painted cycling map of Horný Šariš Bardejov for children, along with stands with a canopy. In addition, OOCR created a new tourist map, which is supplemented with current tourist and cycling routes of the region.
Author: tasr