The Slovak part of the Aquavelo cycling circuit has been completed The Slovak part of the Aquavelo cycling circuit, which together includes more than 230 kilometers of cycling routes in Poland and Slovakia, has been completed. Some cycling routes around Stará Ľubovna have recently been completed in Slovakia, and now the Slovak part of the cycling circuit is just waiting for the settlement. Work on the new four-language AQUAVELO cycling map is also being finalized. The project connects Polish and Slovak spa towns in the Slovak-Polish border area. It is a 230 km section between the spas of Bardejov Spa, Krynica, Muzsyna, Szczawnica, with points of interest, monuments, fauna, flora ("PROJECT OF THE ROWER ROUTE MUSZYNA- BARDEJOV"). This is reported by Radomír Jančošek, director of the regional tourism organization (OOCR) "ŠARIŠ" - Bardejov, which is participating in the project as a partner.
"The entire Aquavelo cycling route is marked in a uniform manner and equipped with the same elements of small architecture. The project also included the construction and modernization of footbridges, cycling rest areas, the installation of information boards, vertical signage, bicycle racks, benches, etc. The infrastructure will be supplemented by a cycling map and other promotional and information materials and a mobile application. The project to build a cycling circuit, connecting spa towns mainly in the Poprad River valley, is aimed at the economic revival of the border areas of Slovakia and Poland. The goal is joint development, without mutual competition," explained R. Jančošek. He emphasized that the Slovak-Polish project should create competition in relation to spa areas in Europe, within the framework of a modern medical and rehabilitation, recreational and tourist offer. Aquavelo would represent an identifiable Polish-Slovak brand of spa towns with unique tourist and medical-rehabilitation conditions, built on natural values, multicultural heritage, spirituality and traditions of the population. The route passes through the most valuable areas in terms of nature and landscape. It includes significant monuments of wooden architecture and mineral water springs. Aquavelo is a connection of spa towns of the Polish-Slovak border region through a cycling circuit. The cycling path is led partly along existing routes (including EuroVelo) and partly along completed routes. The circuit connects in the village of Hniezdne with another circuit, which is being created within the framework of the project "Hist.-cultural-nature route around the Tatras" and will significantly increase the impact of the project and strengthen the positive effect associated with the development of a cross-border tourist product.
The cycle route passes through the following places:
Bardejov Spa - Bardejov - Zlaté - Sveržov - Kurov - (state border) - Muszynka - Tylicz - Krynica (Pulaskiego Street, Dietla, Ebersa, Gurgacza Boulevards, along the Kryniczanka stream) - Powroźnik - Muszyna - Zapopradzie - Legnava - M.Lipník- Sulín - Mníšek nad Popradom - Łomnica - Piwniczna (Jarzębaki section, Zabornia section, Śmigowskie Street, Kościuszki Street [additional circuit - separate branch in the direction of Rytra - Sucha Struga, Wzgórze Zamkowe, Obidza] Garbaty Bridge, Kazimierza Wielk., Daszyńskiego, Czercz, Wilcze Doły, Kosarzyska section, Sucha Dolina) - Obidza - Biała Woda Reserve - Jaworki - Szlachtowa - Szczawnica (Cieśliska, Jana Street Pawła, Lipowa, Słona Młaka, Sopotnicka, Samorody, Zawodzie – the existing trail to the state border) - Červený Kláštor - Veľký Lipník - Podolínec – Vyšné Ružbachy - Lacková - Kamienka – Gniezdne – Stará Ľubovňa – N. Ľubovňa – Ľubovnianske Kúpele – Plavnica – Údol – Plaveč – Orlov - Andrejovka – Čirč- Leluchów – Muszyna.
Exceptional destination offer
The region of Bardejov and Bardejov Spa is already among the most sought-after tourist destinations among the cities connected by Aquavel. Nowhere else in Slovakia is there such a wide range of UNESCO historical monuments, wooden churches, open-air museums in one region, combined with mineral water springs and famous historical spas. In summer, tourists can use numerous hiking trails, cycling trails and then relax in spa and wellness facilities. The richness and diversity of the region attracts many tourists, which opens up possibilities and opportunities for skilled people who have the opportunity to apply themselves in the field of tourism. The tourist potential of the region is constantly increasing. With the admission of Svidník to the Regional Tourism Organization (OOCR) "ŠARIŠ" - Bardejov, the offer has been significantly enriched with attractions of military history, mainly associated with the battles on Dukla.
As a result of the OOCR's activities in recent years, the length of the renewed marked tourist trails in the vicinity of Bardejov and Bardejov Spa reaches almost 40 km. In addition, a network of six interconnected cycle paths has been built and maintained in this area, with a total length of more than 8 km. It consists of four healing singletracks - Lekársky, Napoleon, Čerešenka and the latest Herkules, the Oxygen Path Mihaľov - Bardejov and the Oxygen Track in Bardejov Spa. In addition, dozens of gazebos and rest areas were renovated, and recreation and sports zones for children were built.
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